Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 105

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 105

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 105

Examining the style of Greimas' action model in the narrative structure of Malakoot story by Bahram Sadeghi

Maryam Mavaddat , Forough Kazemi (Author in Charge), Bahram Modarresi


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the most characteristic features and components of postmodern storytelling is the intermingling of the border between the world of reality and fantasy, which affects all the actions and narrative trajectory of the story. In this article, the main goal is to investigate and analyze the actions in one of the contemporary postmodern novels called "Malakoot" by the contemporary author "Bahram Sadeghi" based on the theory of semiotics of discourse by Lithuanian linguist Algirdas Julien Greimas.

METHODOLOGY: The method of conducting the present research is descriptive-analytical, based on library studies and document analysis, centered on the theory of discourse semiotics of Greimas. The statistical population includes the novel Malakoot by Bahram Sadeghi and the samples were selected purposefully and selectively.

FINDINGS: The narrative and action structure of the postmodernist novel Malakoot is actually a contrast between the system of good and evil, in which a doctor named Dr. Hatam, as the main actor and symbol of absolute and demonic evil, seeks to achieve the desired value, which is to kill people. Anonymity and meaninglessness form the main infrastructure in the inner layers of this story for the action of its actors.

CONCLUSION: Malakoot"s novel is formed with emphasis on the action of the two main actors of the story, Dr. Hatam and Mr. M. L. Based on the action model of Greimas, the active actor has resorted to killing people. The main factor of the narrative, which is formed in the narrative chain of the story, is the battle between good and evil. The author has used the illusory, metareal and surreal atmosphere to play the role of the main and secondary actors (Saghi, Sheko, Mr. Mavaddat, etc.). The secondary actors of the story are all extravagant and lustful people who are sentenced to death at the end of the story.

postmodern novel , Malakoot , Bahram Sadeghi , Discourse semiotics , Greimas action model

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